Rio Grande Turkey
The Rio Grande Turkey is a light to medium brown color with feathers tipped in a lighter color of buff or yellowish tan. Toms have a white head with a very dark red waddle (the loose skin at the base of their neck). An average tom will stand just over 4 feet tall and weigh around 20 pounds when mature. Hens are significantly smaller and their coloring more subdued.
Rios enjoy the open plains to brushy areas and spend the nights roosted in the tallest trees they can find in their home range. They will roost in these trees habitually until some event causes them to lose trust in the safety of the roost. Hunters enjoy great success either calling the birds off the roost at first light, or intecepting the flock as it returns in the evening.
Hunting a Rio at the Bar H Bar Ranch is an experience second to none. We have several roosts if you prefer to call them down in the morning and our fields are fantastic places to catch them strutting in all their glory. The combination of large well established trees along our creeks, the open spaces, and brush cover helps our flocks feel very comfortable and natural in their surroundings.
Our guides can run calls and slates to bring 'em in close if you are kind of new to the pursuit of turkeys, or merely help you find the ideal place to set up based on their scouting if you're more experienced.
We're in Burnet County, if you want to pursue them in the fall you may even harvest hens.
Regardless of when you'd like to hunt these magnificent birds, we're sure the Bar H Bar Ranch will provide you an experience you'll not soon forget.
Trophy Hunting Add-on
Access to our wonderful Rio Grande Turkey hunting at the -H- is reserved for those who are, or have, hunted with us. Plan your visit during the spring or fall Texas turkey seasons and add on a Rio to your trophy list.
Species | Origin | Hunting Season | Fees |
Rio Grande Turkey | N. America | Spring: Apr-May/Fall: Nov-Jan | $250.00 with a Trophy Hunt |